Thank You Monica, I have been tagged.
7 Random things about me.
1. I like starting fires. Of course in a safe place.
2. I don't think you need a vegetable with every meal.
3. Not everyone knows. At the age of 16, I had my nose operated on to give me the wonderful look I have today.
4. I can eat what ever is left from breakfast when I come home from work. That includes cold pancakes, oatmeal and dead toast.
5. I can't wear shoes with out socks.
6. I don't like to drive. (considering my mother loved to drive places and could go forever, it seems a little strange until you realize I haven't always had a car that you could drive without saying a prayer each time you went out to start it.)
7. It is easier for me to talk in front of 100 people than to talk one on one to someone I don't know.
I hope that does it for the 7 random
things and now I am going to tag, Cathy, Holly, Trish, Ruth